SCS THT Fireproof sleeving braided fiberglass with silicone rubber – very high temperatures

Continuous working temperature: from -60°C to 260°C
Temperature class: C

•   Thermal Class: C
•  Continuous working temperature: from -60°C to +260°C
•  Peaks at:
   - 30 mins at 800°C
   - 15 min at 1100°C
   - 1 min at 1500°C
•  Good resistance to:
   - Presence of flames
   - Protection of metals or melting glass
   - Occasional very high temperature
   - Projection of vapour
•  Excellent flexibility at low temperatures
• Slight swelling can be used by hydrocarbons
• Good resistance to UV
• Asbestos free
• Self-Extinguishing
• Watertight
• Halogen free
• Self-extinguishing
• Heat insulating


Manufactured diameters: from 6 to 152 mm
Standard Color: brick red
Other colors: on request
Standard packaging: bobbins or rolls